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Heart Racing Incident that sent Co-Founder Lorrie King to the Emergency Room

Heart Racing Incident that sent Co-Founder Lorrie King to the Emergency Room - Caire Beauty

The Racing Heart Incident that send our Co-Founder Lorrie King to the ER. Over the previous year or so, my integrative primary care doctor was working with me to determine what was driving my increasing pulse rate.  He had performed test after test and the mystery was not coming forth.     One morning I woke up with what I thought was a racing heart and my pulse was super high at ~120 (according to my little finger pulse monitor).  Scared, I went to what I thought was Urgent Care at NY Presbytrian Hospital, but it was thankfully the Emergency Room. Upon arrival I mentioned that my heart felt like it was beating super fast and my pulse was high.    I had all the signs of a heart attack.  Next thing I knew I had a series of blood tests, an EKG and nothing,nada at all.  I was sent home and told to schedule an appointment with a Cardiologist as a next step.  The Cardiologist listened to my story, checked me out then took a look at all of the tests my primary care doctor had already done.  His diagnosis was 1) dehydration and 2) go get my hormones checked given my age and symptoms. I was like what is going on … my hormones?!? You must be kidding.  Then when I mentioned this to a friend she had the same thing happen, but ended up seeing a cardiologist, neurologist and the whole works before they said it was hormones.    Medical care in the US is inconsistent and dire at times.  If you don’t have great insurance, a strong medical network and aren’t curiously asking questions then what I’ve found is that you can be circling around with doctors, spending tons of money and have limited answers.   See you in a couple of weeks for part 2 of my health adventure.
"Even though my pulse continues to run slightly high, I have fully recovered from this health crisis.  It taught me a valuable lesson on how we as women must manage our health closely, ask tons of questions and seek multiple opinions.  Once another entrepreneurial founder shared with me the book "The Lady's Handbook for Her Mysterious Illness" by Sarah Ramey I truly began to understand how we as women must hold our doctor's accountable"  - Caire Beauty Co-Founder Lorrie King

3 Responses


August 16, 2022

I am so sorry to hear this, yet I am not surprised. We as women must be our own advocates when it comes to our health. Be well.


July 31, 2022

Hope you’re feeling better soo


July 31, 2022

I had the same thing. After years of many trips to the ER my sister who is a nutritionist suggested that it looked like a response to some food allergy. I tracked it down to Sodium Benzoate which is in Sprite, root beer, hot dogs, salad bars, energy bars, and many more foods. Once I knew and avoid anything with it in it I haven’t had any problems. J

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